Saturday, 30 March 2013

Assignment 2: Tioman Excursion & Group Archetypes

Based on our individual archetypes ( and jungian archetypes), we figured out an archetype that most of us shared, which is The Jester, and thus, decided to call ourselves the Jester Freaks!

This is our group mindmap on wordly issues (public transportation in KL).

A picture from the Tioman excursion; the Jester Freaks being freaks.

The front of our shirts from the excursion look like this, the circular symbols at the top represent pictograms of events that happened, and the ones on the bottom represent pictograms of our archetypes. Each of our shirts are similar in design except for our signatures in the middle, and our archetype pictograms.

The back of our shirts, showcasing our logo.

On top of that, here are some rough sketches and mindmaps I did in my sketchbook while we tried to figure out the mystery in the Tioman excursion (which our group won for the second time in a row, by the way!):


Mind maps in black ink courtesy of Zue

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